Perry O'Brian - Bangor Bankruptcy Attorneys
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Free Initial Consultation
Installment Plans Available

Bangor Maine Bankruptcy Lawyer

Overwhelmed by Debt?

If you are overwhelmed by debt, help is available. Whether you are going through a divorce, lost your job, have too much credit card debt, are struggling with medical expenses, or have fallen behind in your mortgage payments, you need to speak with a caring and knowledgeable bankruptcy attorney about your debt relief options. Perry O’Brian has over 26 years of bankruptcy experience and can help guide you to a fresh start. His legal assistant, Vicki Lingley, has over 5 years of experience and is a certified bankruptcy assistant with the Association of Bankruptcy Judicial Assistants. Here at the law office of Perry O’Brian, we handle only bankruptcy cases and we do them well. We pride ourselves on being knowledgeable, compassionate, non-judgmental and supportive. We understand that the decision to file bankruptcy is not an easy one. Over the years, we have helped hundreds and hundreds of clients successfully file for bankruptcy and eliminate debt. Our wealth of experience gives us insight and knowledge into the issues and problems facing financially distressed individuals and their families. After thoroughly reviewing your financial circumstances, we will help you decide if bankruptcy is your best option.

Call for a Free Consultation

Because your financial situation is of utmost importance to you right now, we offer free initial consultations. Come in and meet us, learn about our approach and then you can decide if we are the right law firm to help you. Call our office at 207-942-4697 (toll free at 877-900-9857) or contact us online, and we will respond promptly.

Installment Plans Available

We also understand that most clients with financial problems are not able to pay the costs of filing for bankruptcy in one lump-sum. We will work with you in coming up with a payment plan that you can afford. Call us for details.


Perry O’Brian is a Member Of: The National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys

The Law Office of Perry O’Brian is a federally designated Debt Relief Agency under the United States Bankruptcy Laws. We proudly assist people with finding solutions to their debt problems, including, where appropriate, assisting them with the filing of petitions for relief under the Bankruptcy Code.